Wisconsin Supreme Court Oral Argument

Clair Law Wisconsin Supreme Court

On September 8, 2020, Attorney Pollard had the opportunity to present his client's argument before the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

As one of the ongoing consequences of COVID-19, the oral arguments were being conducted by Zoom Conference. Justice Brian Hagedorn recused himself because of his involvement with the appellate decision prior to his election to the Supreme Court. The remaining six Justices put counsel through the ringer with questions to evaluate the due process and fairness issues at stake. Clair Law has received many follow up questions regarding the ultimate decision of the court. Our office also awaits the decision, which must be written with precision by the Justices as the decision will be precedent used by attorneys to argue the law for years to come.

If you missed the oral argument live, please feel free to watch the recorded version on the WisconsinEye website here: https://wiseye.org/player/?clientID=2789595964&eventID=2020091001

The recording appears to begin a couple minutes into the argument.

We will keep you up to date when a decision comes down.